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When you own crypto, what you really own is a private key that gives you access to your coins. You should be the only one in control of this key – and you need to keep it secure. A Trezor hardware wallet, combined with the Trezor Suite app, is the best way to secure your funds. Your hardware wallet keeps your private key protected at all times in a certified secure chip. Nobody can access it except you.
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One-stop-shop: Trezor hardware wallets come with the Trezor Suite app. You can manage many coins and tokens with the app, directly from your desktop computer.
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Using a Trezor hardware wallet gives you the freedom to manage your crypto on your own. With Trezor Suite app, you can buy, exchange and grow your crypto securely – in one app. The brilliant association of those two elements brings you the satisfaction of real ownership – in simple words, the Trezor ecosystem enables you to be the only one in charge of your money.