IOTA Grants Update Recap III

TL;DR: A new round of IOTA Grants has been announced, with 26 out of 99 applications receiving funding totaling $2,894,000. DeFi categories represented by the projects range from lending and NFT marketplaces to SocialFi and tooling.

IOTA Leadership Transitions

New Appointments for Supervisory Board and Board of DirectorsTL;DR: Dr. Navin Ramachandran joins the IOTA Supervisory Board, Dr. Anja Raden, Jan Misselwitz and Luca Moser join the Board of Directors, and Dr. Christoph Strnadl heads the

IOTA EVM Welcomes Blast API

Blast API Integrates IOTA EVM to Offer Reliable EndpointsTL;DR: Blast API integrates IOTA EVM, providing reliable and powerful endpoints for dApps and users and ensuring fast and accessible interaction with IOTA EVM. Blast API offers

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