
ShimmerSea evolves to MagicSea Hidden in the deep, colourful ocean of ShimmerEVM lies ShimmerSea. A vibrant decentralised exchange and NFT marketplace dedicated to enable the power of DeFi built on IOTA technology. In 2021, the BlueLabs…

Magic LUM and the Booster

The birth of Magic LUM and the start of the Booster are together the most anticipated events for ShimmerSea so far! Magic LUM being the Governance Token of the protocol is the centre stage token on ShimmerSea. The activation of the Booster…

ShimmerSea $LUM Fairlaunch

TLDRShimmerSea $LUM Fairlaunch, a launch strategy that puts the community and security first. Everyone can join to get the first $LUM ever minted and own the SMR-LUM liquidity Pool. NO pre-mint, NO pre-sale, NO pre-airdrop, NO ICO etc.Total…

Lumi Utility Deep Dive

The ShimmerEVM is bustling with activity, and the very first NFT inhabitants are the Lumis! Lumis are the very first NFT collection minted on ShimmerEVM. With that, Lumis are the true pioneers who discovered this new, untouched land! How…

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