Crypto currencies: More than Moon

Many people these days are hopeful that the crypto market will finally take off, prices will go through the roof, and portfolios will hit unimagined highs. But what if it doesn’t?

Cryptocurrencies are increasingly exerting immense fascination, as hardly any asset class proved to be more lucrative in recent months and years; with Bitcoin’s new all-time high, the world seems to have nothing but green candles for most crypto fans, the chart analysis only allows for bullish views, and the only question is by what factor the investments will multiply. But can it really be the purpose of cryptos to make people rich and live once as an island owner under palm trees?

Lost time

How many keyboards have been limited in function in the past bull markets because the F5 keys became useless from hammering away hoping for new highs on
How many afternoons were spent pointlessly in front of the PC thinking they were missing something important?
How many hours were left unused scrolling through millions of memes worldwide without adding any value to one’s life or even society?

If the product of cryptocurrencies is to waste our time on nothing instead of using it productively; if the result of looking at the morning’s coin price is to have “a bad day” instead of enjoying it; or if you already can’t even concentrate on the actual work because you’ve set a StopLoss that of course shouldn’t be triggered — then surely that can’t be the stated goal of cryptocurrencies?

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