Exposed: The Shocking Allegations of Perjury in Craig Wright’s Trial Over Satoshi Claims

Closing Statements in Craig Wright Trial: COPA Accuses Him of Pervasive Fraud, Perjury

Closing statements were delivered on Tuesday in the U.K. trial regarding Craig Wright’s claims of being the inventor of Bitcoin.

In its closing arguments, the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) accused Wright of committing perjury and perpetuating forgeries in an attempt to prove he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin.

Fighting Against Wright’s Fabricated Claims

The ongoing trial in the U.K., which is nearing its end, has major implications for the cryptocurrency community. The outcome of this trial may influence multiple other cases filed by Wright against members of the crypto community.

Counsel for COPA, an alliance composed of Twitter founder Jack Dorsey’s Block and major crypto companies like Coinbase and Kraken, started their closing statements by stating that the evidence presented during the trial clearly demonstrates that Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto.

Jonathan Hough, counsel for COPA, declared, “Following the evidence in this trial, it is clearer than ever – clear beyond doubt – that Dr. Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto. He did not write the Bitcoin white paper, produce the Bitcoin code or implement the Bitcoin system.”

Accusations of Fraud and Perjury

In addition to accusing Wright of perjury and fraud, COPA also deems him a “dishonest witness.” They argue that his testimony during the trial, including evidence submitted by his former lawyers and his admissions that he had edited the Bitcoin white paper as recently as November 2023, are all false and “vivid emblems” of his lies.

COPA vows to seek injunctive relief to prevent Wright from taking further action against the cryptocurrency community using his false claim of being Satoshi Nakamoto. In their closing arguments, they state that “To defend the ‘fiction’ that he’s Satoshi, Wright has ‘committed perjury and forgery to an extraordinary extent.'”

Possible Prosecution for Crimes of Perjury and Perverting Justice

In a final push before Judge James Mellor’s ruling, COPA warns that they will seek to refer this case to U.K. prosecutors to investigate Wright for perjury and perverting the course of justice.

Final Statements to Be Heard

The closing statements from a separate group of Bitcoin developers will be delivered on Wednesday. After that, Wright’s team will present their final statements in a last-ditch effort to prove his fabricated claims.

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