Welcome Jan Pauseback to the IOTA Foundation

Jan Pauseback has spent most of his working life in the mobility space. He started out with a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Information Technology from University of Applied Sciences Wedel.
His professional career began at mytaxi, where he was part of the very beginnings of the most successful taxi app in Europe.

After being part of building a successful start-up, he moved onto work in Sweden and later the U.S. where he got a Master’s degree in Software Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology and worked for the innovation office IT at Volvo Cars and Mercedes Benz Research and Development North America.
Jan’s work there mostly constituted of conceptualizing and implementing prototype applications for smartphones and in-car dashboards.

After returning to Germany he helped build mytaxi’s taxi driver app.
mytaxi was acquired by Daimler and Jan left the company to co-found a company of his own.

One year later, he joined an innovation team of Daimler in Berlin, which later became Daimler’s incubator for new mobility ventures in Europe.
It was also there where he first came in contact with distributed ledger technologies and IOTA in particular.

On joining IOTA

I’m very excited to join the IOTA foundation and I think its potential as a Decentralized Ledger Technology cannot be understated. There are numerous industries where IOTA will be used — The mobility sector especially is full of use cases for IOTA’s Tangle. One only needs to think about autonomous vehicles and machine to machine economy and the possibilities seem endless. The IOTA Foundation already has strong partners and I look forward to contributing to its further adoption by helping them implement their visions with IOTA.

Jan will primarily be working in the IOTA Foundation’s mobility stream— he will contribute with his knowledge of the mobility space and his abilities in ideation, prototyping and implementing digital solutions with our collaborators and partners. His international experience doing exactly that makes him ideal for this role, which is one of the most mature and thus important tracks of the IOTA Foundation at the moment. Give him a warm welcome!

Welcome Jan Pauseback to the IOTA Foundation was originally published in IOTA on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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