VR Events on Mozilla Hubs

On April 6th 2020 the einfachIOTA.com and IOTAshops.com from the IOTA Community organized the first VR IOTA Meetup on the Mozilla Hubs platform.

This article summarizes general feedback and best practices collected through this experience.

What is Mozilla Hubs

Hubs is for anyone who wants to connect with others remotely! It’s a great way to bring communities together in a virtual space. Host a conference, teach a class, create art, or just hang out with friends. Because of Hubs’ spatialized audio you can have conversations with everyone together or break out into smaller groups, just like you can in person.

Key FeaturesWorks across platformsCustomizable scenes and avatarsSelf-hosting options availableBuilt with privacy in mindSetup

Mozilla Hubs are privacy centric virtual spaces. The code is open source and the platform can be self hosted Hubs Cloud on AWS (estimated costs).

Mozilla Hubs make it possible to join the VR rooms without registration, using any device like a PC or Smartphone through the browser, with or without VR gear (supported devices). For best performance and overall experience on low end devices, the Mozilla team suggests a limit in the number of guests per room to 24/25.

Public Rooms and security

For the first event the organizers leveraged public rooms made available by Mozilla Hubs to keep a lower entry barrier.

The free platform does not have an administrative panel nor an easy management tool, therefore the team had to get creative (more about administration and security later in the document). This is not an issue when the hubs are shared with trusted parties, although anonymity and public events can bring to certain issues; see zoom-bombing.

Custom VR scene

Using Spoke two customized scenes are set up, available here. To achieve this goal a template by Mozilla is adapted to save time.

The room has two spawn points in the far back. This adaptation helps the moderation in the rooms, as a “doorman” can quickly recognize a malicious participant and kick him from the room,

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