X-CUBE-IOTA1 or IOTA on STM32, Experiment with the Crypto for IoT

The full article was originally published by STMicroelectronics. Read the full article here.

X-CUBE-IOTA1 is a software expansion package that helps developers working on STM32 microcontrollers take advantage of IOTA, the first open-source distributed ledger technology. It includes drivers for STM32F4 and STM32F7, as well as a custom IOTA layer necessary to interact with the network. Since the package contains the fundamental building blocks to create IOTA nodes, engineers can also select other STM32 devices, such as low-power versions, to tailor their system to their needs. However, the quickest way to start experimenting with IOTA is to grab a NUCLEO-F429ZI or a NUCLEO-F746ZG board and follow our quick start guide to flash the precompiled binary present in X-CUBE-IOTA1. Users can then create a light node account, generate a 0-value transaction, make a transfer, or check their balance.

The tech community often refers to IOTA as a “crypto,” meaning a cryptocurrency, and people tend to compare it to Bitcoin, but the nature and the scope of this technology are much larger. Instead of a blockchain, IOTA relies on a directed acyclic graph, which means that the protocol is useful for far more things than cryptocurrencies and can serve, among other things, for the transfer of sensor data or machine-to-machine communication. Whereas cryptocurrencies tend to focus on the Internet of Value, IOTA also targets the Internet of Things with applications that are far more reaching. For instance, the video below shows how using IOTA to transfer information about resources can optimize a smart factory. Hence, even if the technology remains popular within cryptocurrency circles, it is also attractive in many other fields because of its underlying structure.

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The full article was originally published by STMicroelectronics, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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