A Debate on Privacy, Distributed Ledgers, and Social Media
Introduction written by @Carpincho Dem, the new head of IEN. Article also inspired by Carpincho.
Just as Apollodorus witnessed and transmitted the debate about Eros reflected in Plato’s Symposium, yesterday I had the chance to witness some IEN members discussing Data Privacy, DLTs and social media in our Discord server. Among those members were Ben Royce, who is starting Society2 as an attempt to provide a framework for decentralized social media. The following is what was discussed between our resident social media expert, Ben, and a few other members.
Editors Note: We thought
@Ben Royce — just curious, can anyone explain to me the whole argument of owning your data. How do you really own it if you give access to a third party and they just make a copy of it?
Ben Royce
@adam — there will be screen scraping, and you have to always be mindful of what you make public. That will never change. But it’s the private chats, the restricted chats to small groups like family friends, private connections, the entire list of your connections, all the pictures, and disclosures, your religion, your politics… the bulk of what makes you you, genuinely private, on DLT: you have granular control of what is disclosed to anyone else. If it’s private, it really is private, and really is only accessible to only you. It’s on the DLT with your key, not in some database at a company. Compare that to trusting facebook where all of that is in their silo, and is searched by and qualified by them for purposes which can be quite transgressive, and are getting worse.