IOTA-based product: Lidbot

Whenever you read about the Internet of Things (IoT), it sounds like a vision from a far-away future; mini sensors talking to each other, paying for services and thereby making the world a better place. Lidbot is one of those few projects which are not only an IOTA lighthouse project with regard to the technical feasibility, but which solve real-world problems through its cutting-edge technology.

Lidbot is a startup which set out to revolutionize waste disposal.

  • Waste management is expensive due to inefficient workflows such as sending workers out to bins and trashcans despite there being little work to do
  • High costs because of low efficiency
  • Waste management is often centralized, which leads to only few big players which try to minimize expenses, thus preventing innovation

The highest efficiency in collecting waste is achieved when the waste collectors only roll out if there’s a need for doing so, and if their routes are optimized to collect as much waste as possible per tour. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, you would want a waste collector to immediately let the waste disposal company know when a trashcan is full and can be emptied. Welcome to Lidbot!


Lidbot have developed a smart sensor which measures the distance from sensor to waste. It can be stuck inside any trashcan/container’s lid and just needs a little time to calibrate in the beginning – that’s all you need to do.

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