Interview with Daniel Trauth, Chief Engineer and Head of the Machine Learning in Production Engineering working group at the WZL
I first met Daniel Trauth when I entered the IOTA Evangelist Network and I still remember how amazed I was as I discovered what this guys were doing with sensors applied to industrial machinery in the WZL of RWTH Aachen University: this was my first approach to the Internet of Production.
Since then, Daniel has been of great help every time I (and others) needed orientation with sensors and other IoP related matters. You can see he is really passionate about what he does and always willing to give a hand in the path of what they already achieved.
Daniel De Michele (Carpincho Dem)
Director, IOTA Hispano
IOTA Evangelist Network member
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Tell us about your background and your current position in the RWTH Aachen University.
After graduating from high school and training as a mechatronics engineer, I moved to RWTH Aachen University in 2005. I first studied Mechanical Engineering at the RWTH and later also Economics. I actually always had a lot of fun developing and researching, which is why I went to the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL of RWTH for a PhD, more precisely to the Chair of Manufacturing Technology of former Professor Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Fritz Klocke.
At the WZL I first managed projects in the field of series production, especially for forming technology, until I later became group leader for Forming Technology and today Head of Department / Chief Engineer for Forming Technology, Grinding Technology and Technology Planning. I am also Head of the Machine Learning in Production Engineering working group.
In these roles I especially enjoy investigating and implementing the topics (Industrial) Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Economy in my fields of activity. The RWTH Aachen University has also discovered these topics for itself and has applied for the next period as an elite university under the motto “Internet of Production”. My team and I question how distributed ledger technologies, for example, can contribute to the implementation of the Internet of Production.
How was your first approach to Distributed Ledger Technologies?
My first contact with DLT was completely private. The presence of Bitcoin didn’t pass me by either. A simple investment turned into an interest in the technology behind it. First Bitcoin, then Smart Contracts and step by step new possibilities opened up.
When did you first discover IOTA? What were your initial thoughts?