IOTA Argentina Community Cluster November Meetup review (HODL!)

As always, we sort of sense our audience before we boot our Meetups. The idea is to get an overview of who you will be talking to and how much they know about IOTA and DLT’s in general.

Amongst the 25 assistants we had yesterday, there was a well known argentinian Ethereum developer, a BFA representative (BFA is the first POA Blockchain that provides services to private/public actors in Argentina) and even Evaldas Drasutis from IF (had we known he was in town we would had asked him to give a talk). The rest of the audicence came to learn what IOTA is about and how regulation of cryptoassets is being designed in Argentina.

Data and cryptoassets regulation in Argentina

Juan Quitegui from the IACC gave a really interesting talk about how the argentinian government is thinking about cryptoassets and its regulation, also covering Data Protection and some GDPR basic aspects.

This is a key talk that arises lots of interest, mainly because the whole regulation is at a “we are trying to understand how this works to regulate it the right way”. Juan explained us the value that our data has and also covered new scenarios such as solar energy generation and exchange together with how this could be regulated by the Government.

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