IOTA Latino had its first IOTA Meetup in Venezuela.
This Saturday, October 20, the first IOTA Meetup took place in Venezuela. This event was organized by IOTA Latino and is the first of a series of meetings that are being prepared for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Because Venezuela is one of the countries in Latin America with greater acceptance of DLT technology and cryptocurrencies, IOTA Latino decided to start its cycle of meetups in there, specifically in the city of Valencia.
The event exceeded the expectations of the organizers as there was a large number of requests from interested parties to attend. More than 400 people signed up to participate in the event which caused the organizers to decide to hold a second meetup before finishing this year.
Venezuela has great potential for the development of applications based in DLT technology. Many Universities in the country are teaching classes on this new technology, even creating new study careers and specialties.
At the event, attendees showed a lot of interest in IOTA and the Tangle. They knew their potential and they were very encouraged to investigate and work to create a great community that promotes technology in the country. Many showed interest in developing new projects and working together with IOTA Latino to expand knowledge.
The event was attended by important personalities from the technological, educational and industrial fields, among which the founding professor of the UNITEC César Peña Vigas, representing the industrial chamber of Carabobo was Andrés Pérez, Freddy Sifontes of the mopheus Latin America Foundation , Froilan Fernandez de Criptonoticias, Gustavo Guerrero de Minar GPU, in addition to the friends of Criypto School, Crypto Master, Cryptoguerreros, Vippo, among many other personalities of the world Crypto – digital economy and passionate about technology.
Saúl Ameliach y Teobaldo Rodríguez were the main speakers
Among the national speakers who participated in the first IOTA Meetup in Venezuela, Saúl Ameliach (Engineer), president of IOTA Latino, gave a brief summary of the basic concepts of the crypto-core, from the beginning of Bitcoin and its DLT Blockchain technology. Then entered into fully to explain why IOTA Tangle is the future and how only this technology would be able to interconnect the more than 75 billion devices that are estimated by 2025, in a safe, reliable way and with zero cost.
Saul Ameliach talks about the DAG
Saul Ameliach also gave a live demonstration of how the structure of the Tangle is presented in its intertwined form, providing technical details of its operation, explained the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) as the mathematical scientific basis of the algorithmic functioning of this DLT technology which is still in its initial phase but which promises a lot at the Industry 4.0 level and Internet 3.0 because it points directly to the IoT Internet of Things.
Then came the turn of Artech Digital CTO and computer security specialist Teobaldo Rodríguez who spoke to us about the use cases that are currently being developed and others that are already in full use. The digital twins was a very interesting topic that dealt with the specialist in computer security in addition to the security in the Domotic and Inmotic among other topics of high impact related to the development of this great technology such as the Tangle.