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SOON Token Rewards on the ShimmerEVM

With the upcoming deployment of the ShimmerEVM, it’s time to get excited about all the new possibilities that will be enabled by L2 smart contracts. The largest event that will occur on the ShimmerEVM shortly after launch is the SOON token…

BUILD.5 and the Soonaverse

Our two token system of innovationNow that we have publicly revealed the BUILD.5 Association and Web3 platform we can now openly discuss our plans for the future of the Soonaverse. If you haven’t seen it already, check out the BUILD.5…

Soonaverse and the ShimmerEVM

The ShimmerEVM testnet is now live and being actively battle tested, which means the launch of the new ShimmerEVM chain is near. We will be leveraging this new EVM chain to partner with already existing decentralized applications (dApps) to…

Our April 2023 Dev Update

What’s new in the Soonaverse?While things may seem a little quiet in the Soonaverse there has been a tremendous amount of re-architecting happening in the background of our current operations. This BUIDLing has been our top priority and…

February 2023 Dev Update

Development is constantly ongoing over here in the Soonaverse and this most recent Dev Update proves it. There are a lot of exciting enhancements and features that not only significantly boost platform capabilities, but also make it more…

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