Winners of the IOTA Smart City contest on

After 60 days of developing, we are excited to announce the winners of the Smart City contest on With the contest we posed a number of unique challenges from corporates who are looking toward DLT to help solve the problems their industries are facing. The IOTA and Hackster communities came together and responded with a number of great hardware-based solutions to these issues.

IOTA Hub on Hackster

While we had a number of wonderful entries, we were unable to award all of them in this contest. Instead, we are displaying all of the entries that used IOTA in the contest on an IOTA only hub on the Hackster website. This hub will display projects from across Hackster that are tagged with ‘IOTA’.

Since the contest, the hub has had over 11,000 views and become full with projects that are easy for developers to follow along with. In the coming year we expect the hub to fill up with even more projects as more contests are run on the Hackster platform. See the IOTA Hub.

Winning Entries

Smart Mobility

In the Smart Mobility category we had Severine Glock from Groupe Renault judging the entries. After deliberation we determined that these were the following category winners:

  1. Smart Charging for a Smart Car
  2. Smart Transportation Demo
  3. Open Mobility Marketplace

“I was impressed by the demonstrations using IOTA on use cases like EV charging, multimodal transportation or data sharing inside an ecosystem which are crucial for the mobility in the smart cities of tomorrow. Hoping to see those PoCs turn into reality ! Thanks for your participation and efforts. Congratulations to the winners, enjoy your tokens!”

— Severine Glock, System Architect, Groupe Renault

Smart Energy

In the Smart Energy category we had Ludovic Millier from Birdz by Veolia judging the entries. After deliberation we determined that these were the following category winners:

  1. IOTA Enabled Solid-State Switch and Power Meter
  2. GreenCertificates
  3. PAYota — Pay for What You Use!

I am very impressed by the quality of the work and submissions made by the contestants. It was quite hard to determine the top three. These projects are very relevant to our work, as they will help us to go even further in the use of IOTA technology for our projects. Thanks to everyone who participated and congrats to the winners.

Ludovic Millier, CIO, Birdz by Veolia

Smart Buildings

In the Smart Building category we had Philippe Calvez from Engie Lab judging the entries. After deliberation we determined that these were the following category winners:

  1. IOTA Enabled Solid-State Switch and Power Meter
  2. Weather Station & FPGA Device Talking via the IOTA Network
  3. Indoor Air Quality and Garbage Monitoring System

The Smart City Contest allowed ENGIE Lab CSAI to gain better insight to the dynamic and inventive nature of the community and its use of IOTA. Seeing these projects come to life make it possible to bridge the gap between a PoC and concrete projects, a frontier that is now broken down daily.

— Philippe Calvez, Head of the CSAI Lab, Engie Lab

Smart Districts

In the Smart District category we had Pankaj Narula from Sopra Steria judging the entries. After deliberation we determined that these were the following category winners:

  1. Air Quality Sensor + Masked Authenticated Message Broker
  2. Weather Station & FPGA Device Talking via the IOTA Network
  3. Mobile Air Quality Module // Democratizing Public Data

It was great to see some quality submissions with potential ideas covering integrated approaches that outlined how to connect IoT devices to IOTA to enable smart districts. We have a strong conviction that IoT and DLT will be strongly intertwined in the future and many of the submissions have great future potential. At this time, I would like to take this opportunity thank all the participants and congratulate the winners. Well done!

Pankaj Narula, Leader Blockchain Stream, Sopra Steria

Hackster Impact Prize

The final category of the prizes is one which chooses themselves. The “Hackster Impact Prize” is awarded during contests to the submission that is most relevant to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For more information about the prize go to the Impact Prize page.

The winner of the Impact prize for the Smart cities contest is: PAYota — Pay for What You Use!

Future contests

That’s all the prizes for this contest! However, even though this contest has concluded that’s not the end of our contests on

Over the course of the year, we will hold three more contests on various themes. We hope to grow our presence on and make our IOTA Hub the go-to resource for IOTA community tutorials.

We hope to see you there!

Winners of the IOTA Smart City contest on was originally published in IOTA on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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